Spruce (Picea abies)

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The Christmas tree is a conifer needles and sit scattered in very large numbers on every shot but switches greatly in size , shape and direction. Spruce is also very varied with respect to the crown shape, depending on the main branches direction and Position of the twig . Cone The mountains also have diverse form. It is probably the most diverse tree in Scandinavia.

Spruce exhibits clearly more of those for coniferous trees vegetative parts typical hallmarks . These are in addition to the leaves education to the needles, the crown continuously throughout the main trunk , main branches configurations in circles and hartsavsöndringen in the wood and bark.

Our sortiment of spruce (Picea abies)

  • Spruce Sawn Timber

    whitewoodSpruce occurs throughout Sweden, except in the far south, where it often occurs in forest plantations.

    Spruce is a large specie found in the northern temperate regions of the earth, about 20-60 m tall.

    The colour varies from creamy white to light yellow and red-brown. Spruce is straight-grained with a smooth and even texture. The wood has medium density. Strength properties are excellent. Sawing and machining is easy, as well as gluing, jointing and assembling.

    Common use: The typical end-use of spruce/whitewood (Picea abies) is as structural timber in studs and beams, indoors and outdoors. The wood is yellowish white and has good strength quality, why it is used mainly as construction timber and packaging. Spruce/whitewood (Picea abies) is the most important building and construction timber in Europe. It is also used for interior construction, external joinery, carpentry, furniture, external paneling, facades, flooring, doors and packaging.


    KD (Kiln Dried to a core temperature of 56°C/30 min)

    Trade sorting: O/S, V, VI, VII

    Thickness: 12/16/19/22/25/32/38/44/47/50/63/75

    Width : 25/38/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225

    Length : 2,4-5,7 ( 75%  of the storage is 4,2 +)

  • Spruce - European for construction


    We offer European Spruce for construcion, mainly from Rumania, Austria, France and Germany. Our Pine from Brazil is populaire both for construction and carpentry.

    We can offer you a custom made order in dimensions, lenght and quality.

    Example of dimensions we can offer:  

    Spruce 4.0 m








    Spruce 3.0 and 4.0 m




  • Spruce - Components

    kompSpruce  occurs throughout Sweden, except in the far south, where it often occurs in forest plantations.

    Spruce is our most common forest trees and is one of the country's major export commodities. Spruce wood is yellowish white and has many uses. Especially important is it for pulp and lumber, as well as to several chemicals, including artificial silk.

Beech (Fagus sylvatica)

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beech-roundAverage book is largely in Europe down to northwestern Turkey. In Turkey, east through Asia, it is replaced by the oriental book, Fagus orientalis. The usual book is also available in single forest in North America.

Area of ​​use

The book is considered to be beautiful, both to his tribe and to crown shape. On solitary tree trunk can often achieve a substantial diameter. In forest resembles a high, upright with a smooth light gray finish, the Crown has a bushy branches and deep green color. The book creates a forest picture that gives an overwhelming impression of grandeur, solemnity and mystery.
Meanwhile, the book's wood is not the same value as the oak, and its prevalence is at the expense of the oak. Moreover, the damage, as the book makes both the original vegetation and the soil, because the soil becomes dry and peaty. The main use you have had of bokveden, is the fuel and some utensils that were exposed to water, such as boat keels and planking in wooden ships below the waterline.
It favored the early use of the book in boat building to a log of the book can easily be split with an ax to the plank-like slices, which was particularly important before when sågtekniken was undeveloped. Beechwood also used to mill wheel. The book also suitable in the production of potash. Today, its main use wood furniture and curiously enough even lollipops thanks to the wood smooth characteristics, very limited taste and smell and lack of splinters in the planed wood.


Our products of beech (Fagus sylvatica)

  • Beech - French, Belgium, Romania

    DSC00011Wild beech grows from the north of Sweden to central Italy and Spain in the south, to the UK in the west and Turkey to the east.

    Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a tree belonging to the Beech family. The beech will not be as old as the oak but is growing faster and many trees reaching over 45 meters.

    The beecwood occurs in hilly and mountainous areas and growing especially in the northern parts of Romania, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. In Sweden there is beechwood in Skåne and on some parts of Halland.

    For the forest industry, the book is a hard and durable wood. Today, its main use is furniture and glass sticks thanks to the wood smooth characteristics, very limited taste, smell and lack of splinters in the planed wood.

    The book is highly appreciated both in construction and in the furniture because of its strength, fiber fineness and nice color.


    The main characteristics of beechwood that we offer:

    AD och KD

    Edged or unedged

    Length: 0,30 - 4,00 m

    Width: 8 cm +  och 10 cm +

    Thickness: 25, 32, 40, 50, 60, 70 och 80 mm


    Standard quality of beechwood:


    Four sides clear, no defects


    Quality B

    A single knot, a maximum diameter of 30 mm on one side only, healthy red heart on both sides are allowed, and light cracks and stains.


    Quality C

    Up to three knots per item, maximum diameter 30 mm, dyeing/colouring and fresh red heart on both sides are allowed, and light cracks and stains.



    TASS  0,30-0,95 m super-short timber

    TAS    1,00-1,70 m short timber

    TAL     1,80-4,00 m long timber


Products overwiev

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Almost half of the country's land area is forest and the Swedish forests is considered to provide a raw material of very high quality. Approximately 33% of the country's forest production takes place in the North. In the northern forests is the pine and spruce forests dominate.

We offer a large selection of both edged / unedged processed timber for furniture manufacturers, woodworking companies, door manufacturers, stair manufacturers etc.

We can offer you from our warehouse timber of the following types of wood available:

Översikt produktområde switcher widget

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Tallen är ett imponerande barrträd som kan bli upp emot 40 meter högt. Texturen är bra tack vare långsam tillväxt. 
Träet är rödgult till färgen, relativt mjukt, och har medelhög densitet. 
Dess hållfasthetsegenskaper är goda vilket gör sågning och bearbetning enkel. Tallen har en utbredning i hela Europa, från Spanien till Sibirien.

Furu, (Pinus sylvestris), används till olika snickerier, inredning och utsmyckning, t.ex. dörrar, fönster, golv och invändiga paneler samt möbeltillverkning. Furu används också som byggnads- och konstruktionsvirke, både strukturella och icke-strukturella. 
Furu har goda egenskaper för snickeriproduktion men även till paketering och impregnerade produkter.

Vårt produktsortiment av furu

Pine (Pinus silvestris)

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Pine is an impressive pine trees that can grow up to 40 meters high. The texture is good, thanks to slow growth.
The wood is reddish yellow in color, relatively soft, and medium density .
Its strength properties are good which makes sawing and processing simple. The pine has spread throughout Europe , from Spain to Siberia.


Pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) , are used for various carpentry, interior design and decorating, for example, doors, windows , flooring and interior panels and furniture manufacturing . Pine is also used as the building and construction timber , both structural and non -structural .
Pine has good properties for joinery production but also packaging and impregnated products.
The Swedish sawmill industry supply redwood sawn timber according to the characteristics, qualities and sizes on customer demand.

There is a standard grading principel that most swedish mills use, classifying the finished, dried sawn timber in: U/S, V, VI and VII grade.

Our products of pine

  • Pine sawn timber


    Swedish timber is of long fibre strong conifer species. The pine is one of the more impressive coniferous trees in the northern parts of Europe, including Sweden.

    The heartwood is clearly demarcated from the sapwood. The texture is fine due to slow growing. The big red knots give a decorative character to the timber. The wood is soft and has medium density. The strength properties are good. Sawing and machining is easy.

    Common use: Pine/Redwood (Pinus sylvestris) is used for joinery, interiors and decoration such as doors, windows, flooring and indoor panelling as well as for furniture. It is also used as a building and construction timber, structural as well as non-structural. Pine has good properties for carpentry and moulding production but also packaging and impregnated products. The Swedish sawmill industries deliver sawn timber according to the qualities, grades and sizes the customers demand.


    KD (Kiln Dried to a core temperature of 56°C/30 min)

    Trade sorting: O/S, V, VI, VII

    Thickness: 12/16/19/22/25/32/38/44/47/50/63/75

    Width : 25/38/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225

    Length : 1,8-5,7 hjn furu

  • Pine (Redwood) trade sorting

    When it comes to grading there are as many ideas of grading as there are sawmills. However there are standard sorting rules that provide the basics - such as EN- 1611-1, Nordic Timber - Grading rules (The "Blue book") and Guiding principles for grading of Swedish sawn timber (The "Green Book"). Our sales basically follow the green books classification, U/S (I II III IV) V VI but today the sorting is more strict than the descriptions in the rules. Sorting is done either manually or by camera. The size, appearance and placing of the knots is important, but graders must also scan for other defects. The rules describe what is tolerated in the different grades for the face and the two sides. The back is allowed to be 1 quality lower. 

    Example of 25x100, 50x150 and 75x200

  • Pine - Brazil for construction

    From replanted forests in Brazil we find Pinus Eliottis and Taeda. The material is used for construction and for carpentry.

    Our most common sizes are 20x100/120/140/160/180/200 x 2000 mm and is delivered by container.


  • Pine - Europe for construction

    furu-europaThe species that we call pine comes from the usual pine that is widespread throughout Europe, from Spain to Siberia.

    Pine is our country's oldest conifer and is easily recognized by the long, blue-green needles and orange-like trunk. Furun also used for moldings, panels, flooring, joinery and furniture where the wood will be visible and consistent high quality.

  • Pine - Components

    We produce planed and cut to lenght wood as per the customers order. 

    Our machines cut exact lengths with less tolerance than 1 mm on length and the precision of planing is also perfect. Our supervising staff is controlling each piece on all sides for rejects.

     The components are mostly used for spindles, wood turning and handrails. 

    component redwoodBildresultat för spindles pine

Contact us

Enar Timber AB
Köpmangatan 1,
SE-931 31 Skelleftea,

Sweden Tel: +46(0)910 - 360 20,
E-mail: sales@enar.com,
Web: www.enar.com


Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes PEFC is an independent non-profit and with no connection to the state. Founded in 1999 with the goal of being a world-wide organization through certification ensures sustainable forestry. We can offer our customers 100% PEFC certified raw material.

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