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Écrit par ITMG le . Publié dans Uncategorised

Tallen är ett imponerande barrträd som kan bli upp emot 40 meter högt. Texturen är bra tack vare långsam tillväxt. 
Träet är rödgult till färgen, relativt mjukt, och har medelhög densitet. 
Dess hållfasthetsegenskaper är goda vilket gör sågning och bearbetning enkel. Tallen har en utbredning i hela Europa, från Spanien till Sibirien.

Furu, (Pinus sylvestris), används till olika snickerier, inredning och utsmyckning, t.ex. dörrar, fönster, golv och invändiga paneler samt möbeltillverkning. Furu används också som byggnads- och konstruktionsvirke, både strukturella och icke-strukturella. 
Furu har goda egenskaper för snickeriproduktion men även till paketering och impregnerade produkter.

Vårt produktsortiment av furu


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world-36479 640Geographic markets

Of the company's total sales of wood products is about 75% is exported to customers in Europe and North Africa. The major exporting countries is today England, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Ireland, Italy and Germany

Customers and Customer

Segments Our customers are preferably carpentry and construction companies as well as window and door distr rare. The products are adapted to different customers and markets. Well-known shipping brand guarantees quality, reliability and service.

Turning components to the UK and Ireland

For svarverier preferably in England and Ireland lathe manufactured substances to be used for stairs and railings in the outdoor environment. The machinery is designed for efficient production of svarvämen and we have the potential to greatly expand this volume.


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We offer you to be your buying department

Many smaller factories spend a lot of time, searching for timber, a time consuming task and often waste of time. We offer you to be your buying department so you can spend more time on things thats make your company more effective.

Our network is our strength

We have more than 50 years in this business and have a huge network of suppliers. With our network as a base and an agreement to be your buying department, we can put your company in a better position, regardning access to wood and timber supply and quality.

Contact us

If you find this offer of interest, don´t hesitate to contact us for a first brief meeting.

Stock Note

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Ce que  vous cherchez n´es pas dans notre stock? Pas de problème! Habituellement, nous obtenons le bois de nos Fournisseur et vous l'expedions directement. Envoyez-nous une demande par email ou bien appelez-nous .

Version imprimable

Module Positions

Écrit par ITMG le . Publié dans Uncategorised

Module Layout


This theme comes with 62 module positions. The blue module positions allow to choose a module layout which defines the module alignment and proportions:

equal, double or stack.



Enar Timber AB
Köpmangatan 1,
SE-931 31 Skelleftea,

Sweden Tel: +46(0)910 - 360 20,
E-mail: sales@enar.com,
Web: www.enar.com


Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes PEFC is an independent non-profit and with no connection to the state. Founded in 1999 with the goal of being a world-wide organization through certification ensures sustainable forestry. We can offer our customers 100% PEFC certified raw material.

Domaines de buisiness